Do you know that our body is two-thirds water? This is the reason why hydration is so essential in ensuring that our body functions properly and is able to get through the day. Drinking sufficient water allows our bodies to control body temperature, keep joints lubricated, and transport nutrients. Other benefits of proper hydration include enhancing mood, fending off illnesses, and boosting cognitive health.
Even though hydration is crucial, dehydration is one of the most common medical conditions for the elderly in the United States. Warning signs can be drowsiness, headaches, dry mouth, and slow metabolism, to name a few. To avoid dehydration from occurring to you, take a look at these few hydration tips for the elderly.
Eat Foods Rich in Fluids
What do watermelon, celery, and peach have in common? They’re all foods containing high concentrations of water, in addition to strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli. While water is no doubt still the best source for hydration, you can also keep your body well-hydrated by consuming a water-rich diet. For meals, opt for soups instead of salads and ice-pops for desserts.
Skip Dehydrating Beverages
Not all fluids are good for the body. Alcohol, for example, is a diuretic, which pulls out water away from the body. Coffee and tea are also considered diuretics, though a mild one, so this might be bad news for those who can’t live without some pick-me-up in the morning or during the day. This does not mean you can’t have coffee or tea, it’s all about consuming them in moderation. If possible, replace these dehydrating beverages with fruit juices, sports drinks, or good old plain water.
Keep a Water Bottle Close by
Medical professionals recommend that our bodies require eight glasses of water per day to stay sufficiently hydrated. It’s impossible to drink a large amount of water in one sitting, so what you can do is by keeping a water bottle close by. This allows you to sip water frequently throughout the day, which health experts believe it’s more efficient than just drinking half a gallon a day. The water bottle can be placed near the couch during the daytime and beside the bed during the evenings.
Flavor Your Water
Do you hate the taste of water? It’s possible to flavor it by infusing the water with lemons or cucumbers. We recommend skipping artificial flavors and just opting for natural foods. You can also add certain herbs such as mint leaves and rosemary to add a pleasant scent.
Stay Indoors When It’s Hot
Being outside has its benefits as it allows your body to produce vitamin D and improves our general well-being. However, if you find the weather too humid or scorching hot, it’s best to stay indoors. Switch on the air-conditioner and let the body temperature cool down. The sun’s rays are the most potent from 10 am to 2 pm, so you should avoid heading out or scheduling events between that time frame.